a journey to our beginning...

  • arubin
  • airisshu
  • Thursday, August 25, 2005

    veluz designs...

    here are the designs sent by veluz...a very nice, warm and down-to-earth designer :) she is well-loved by wawies who got her for their gowns and now i can see WHY! i would have written more of her gown descriptions and the story behind the sketches, but im already typing this with my eyes half-closed! haha...

    all could be made in gazaar or shantung with organza overlay for that dreamy effect, to borrow her words. :) OR i could also decide for pina cocoon and pina silk, which from our designer's expert opinion would also look great when handembroidered or patterned machine embroidered with beadworks. no doubt about that. i've seen her pina gowns and they left me breathless :D ... but i am realistic i know it can be skyrocket expensive!

    BUT since im still waiting for the price it probably wont hurt me to wish that it will turn out still reasonable.

    * i have pala to give virtual hugs to my very supportive baby. thank you for being just as excited as i am. \(*;*)/

    *design A*
    Image hosted by Photobucket.com

    *design B*
    Image hosted by Photobucket.com

    *design C*
    Image hosted by Photobucket.com