a journey to our beginning...

  • arubin
  • airisshu
  • Friday, June 30, 2006

    ty ps...

    my hands are tied when it comes to diy stuff... definitely a major frustration of planning a wedding from abroad. i know i have all the potential to be a certified OC and doing things for the wedding would definitely give me mind-blowing high!

    if im in pinas, i would have probably started on making our luminaries, souvenirs.. i would have probably traversed down to the narrowest eskinitas of divi, quiapo, dangwa.. i would have probably attended all the bridal fairs and tiangges to scout for cheap, cutesy stuff for centerpieces.. there's a part of me saying that i've been missing the brutal [on second thought, mas me brutal pa ba sa pagbubudget hehe] but fun part of wedding preps. haaaayy..

    so now i satisfy myself by excelling all our expenses, our savings our projected savings.. heck, even bin's budget for the coming months! hehe i'm finally done with gown designs, i've drafted our missalette [w/c btw is now awaiting for bin's comments.. ehem].. so i now moved on to anything my very reliable ps could do.. layouts for souvenirs' and invites' logos :D .. ok lang, kahit ndi pa kami ayos ng suppliers hehehe

    here's a layout for our souvenirs.. i 100% liked the concept :) and we are 50% sure we are going with this supplier...pending her quote. i have fellow wowie, concon to thank, for referring us this supplier:D

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    imagine that etched in bato :)

    here naman is my second attempt for invites logo... we haven't booked any vendor for this but logo inclusion will be one of our non-nego :) no luck still on finding the perfect pink shade hehehehehe bahala na...

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    next thing to do... song list!!! :D

    Thursday, June 29, 2006

    logo explained...

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    i will be submitting this to whoever will do our invites.

    kung tagalog o english yan, corny hehehe...
    it basically means *alvin-love-irish* ;) but you see, the reading for that kanji is 'AI', our initials combined. plus our love story is made in japan. so, ayos!

    though, i don't like the shade of finkaloo... hmmmmm

    Sunday, June 18, 2006


    I took this quiz and I was told that ...

    You are a:

    You've found the perfect balance between practical and whimsical for your big day. You envision your wedding as an elegant event on a grand scale, but are careful not to lose the romance and tradition of the day. You are a level-headed negotiator, able to handle unexpected bumps in the road without losing your cool. Your serenity in the face of possible chaos will diffuse the situation and leave your wedding day a splendid celebration for everyone involved.

    I know bin would find it hard to agree... hehehe
    btw, less than 6 months to go. ulk!

    Monday, June 12, 2006

    status report...

    With 6 months to go, here is a quick rundown on things we've accomplished... and a snowball of MORE things that need to be done....

    *Ceremony/Reception : Coconut Palace - booked and paid DP.
    to do : Discuss Genset, Finalize Layout
    *Caterer and Ceremony Setup : Josiah's - booked, paid DP, discussed menu.
    to do : Discuss venue setup, finalize menu [might waive dessert for
    snacks before the reception], confirm Reception Host
    *Bridal Gown and Shoes : Veluz and Niko - booked, paid DP, first fitting
    to do : more fittings
    *Moms' Gowns : Veluz - just informed her
    to do : pay DP, ask for design and fittings
    *Entou Gowns : Mrs. Leony Bautista - paid DP and discussed designs
    to do : discuss comments re: sample gown, provide designs for other
    BMs, measurement for all entou, fittings
    *Photog : Main : Nelwin Uy - paid DP
    Backup - Paul Vincent - paid DP
    to do : Prenups with Nelwin, pre-prod meeting with the two
    *Video : Threelogy - paid DP
    to do : avail onsite video
    *Florist : Mang Boy - paid DP, discussed bridal entourage floral needs
    to do : decide if upgrade for ceremony is needed
    *Cake : Alex Franco - discussed cake design and flavor
    to do : give full payment for cake on the day itself
    *HMUA : Chichi Sotomil - paid DP
    to do : Discuss Hairstyle, Trial HMU
    *Hotel for Preps : Manila Diamond - booked
    to do : make an ocular and pay DP
    *Lights/Sound System : Sound Syndrome - paid DP
    to do: confirm contract if it includes Projector and Screen
    *Strings : Velvet Mood Musicale - paid DP
    to do : submit song list
    *On-the-Day Coordinator : Clarice of An Event to Remember - paid DP
    to do : send updates

    [TO DO :]
    Bin's and Papang's Attire - most likely it will be Veluz
    Invitation - ask my sister to handle this for us.
    Choices : Craftmaster, Ami's [she has a common friend with the owner] or Write Impression
    Souvenirs - Mom will do it
    Wedding Singer/Singing Group/Acoustic Duo - decide which to get and book
    Rings - Will buy with Bin
    Honeymoon - Will blog about this as soon as we have our sched fixed

    [DIY :]
    Missalette - draft and submit to Pastor Jim
    Luminaries - Discuss with Mom how to do this
    Ceremony Needs - [Unity Candle, Bible etc. ]
    AVP - Collect photos

    what do you think? feasible pa rin ba?