a journey to our beginning...

  • arubin
  • airisshu
  • Sunday, September 04, 2005

    dou suru*...

    couple of days after i received the designs, i got the price quote from veluz. i was actually holding my breath when opening her mail. i was almost sure i'd be getting her, but my sigurista-part told me to wait for the price tags before i get overly excited. if i was not thinking conservatively [read: kuripot!!!] i would have sent her signed contract the first time she sent me confirmation she's available hehe but since im praning to the nth power, i was assuming the worst... that we cannot afford even the beads she'll be using sa gown :D

    so when she told us all the options we have for the design we liked [by the way i decided on A... bin and my first choice] i was almost cartwheeling, kasya ang pera ko sa alkansya! hehehe

    so now we're moving on to deciding the specifics... what material to use??? believe me i am in my most OC-self with this. i can't decide!

    3 options she gave are :
    1.) gazaar with organza overlay and lace with beadworks OR

    2.) pina silk with organza, light silk and shantung with hand or machine embroidery and beadworks OR

    3.) pina cocoon with organza, light silk and shantung with machine embroidery and beadworks.

    i am not familiar with gazaar. i have not seen any dress made of it yet, but im hoping it's not the shiny type... anyway, i informed veluz of my non-enthusiasm with shimmery fabrics so im sure she's considered this na. i like the organza overlay... there's a dreamy look to it as veluz puts it. the two gowns i sent for her inspiration both have this effect. :)

    the second and the third options were just orig. mentioned briefly by veluz... but since i have been a lurker on most veluz-brides' webshots, i got to see a couple of pina gowns and surprisingly i liked them :D to tell you the truth, i never imagined myself to wear a pina before... for one, i thought a gown made of it would cost me just as much as i would spend on the whole reception[no kidding!]... second, i thought it was too pang-lola, this pina fabric [i know! blame it on my ignorance...]. BUT since veluz has proven me wrong already on the second, based on what ive seen in photos of pina gown she made, it can be nowhere near pang-lola pala!... when i received her quotes, i immediately found myself considering!

    it should've been an easy ride na sana for me. but now...

    price-wise pinasilk [about 15k diff from gazaar] is still expensive for a budget-conscious b* [bride is sooo official hehe] like me. but it is definitely reasonable considering it's pina... pina-cocoon is more the guilt-free option, barely 8k difference from gazaar... so im torn between cocoon and gazaar na...

    although, veluz is being matiyaga to answer my sandamakmak na q's... i also sought the help of WENG a very generous co-wawie and fellow veluz client [girl, big thanks!!!].. and she gave me soo many great inputs in coming up with my decision on which pina i like better... veluz will be using cocoon for her gown BUT in fairness, she described to me as unbiased as possible the differences she observed from her recent trip to our designer. so apart from price tags, i have now reasons to back my pina-decision :D

    kaya yun.. it's pina cocoon over silk... but should i choose cocoon over gazaar??

    if you could just throw me your insight... im sure it would help. :)

    you might think i have put up this blog to discuss gowns lang.. ndi naman :D i'll post on other suppliers next time. i just dont want to preempt anything and/or give free advertisement to suppliers im not getting [j/k on the second ha!] , so i'll post about them when im at least 90% sure. :D

    please dont go saying i still have time to be indecisive... im planning on coming up with a post on 100 reasons to panic! [disclaimer: ok, im exaggerating on the 100 hehe]

    * dou suru - what should i do????